Important soft skills to learn.
Soft skills are more important than you think they are. Learning how to code, graphic design and write needs a lot of support from your soft skills.
- Emotional Intelligence-
I don’t think I need to share this, but mental fatigue is a real thing and can suck the soul out of you and the quality of your work. Not only ours but being able to comprehend someone else’s emotion is also something we should learn. - Ability to handle pressure-
No matter if you’re in the corporate world like me, freelancing on the side, or a student, we all have our level of pressure going on, of deadlines, submitting the word before Friday, that EOD… and more… Being able to separate our tasks, prioritize and knowing when we handle the pressure the best would help you the most. - Critical thinking-
Now, as a technical writer, this is indeed one of the most important life skills. To help you with this, I would suggest that you learn or watch some YouTube videos on how AWS uses the method of marketing backwards. And personally, I feel from their documentation to customer support to how they would solve an issue relies heavily on critical thinking. Learn from it and start putting that type of thinking into every other work you do. You’ll surely see changes. - Communicatio-
More than, “The weather is quite pretty.” Communication is being able to articulate yourself clearly enough that the front person has a clear idea of what you want to share.
Clarity of your sentences matters the most. No matter how fancy your vocabulary is, if the front person is scratching their head, then you’re not communicating well.
Structuring what you need to say, and talking with pointers really helps you. - Delegation-
Being able to give tasks to others and believing with the responsibility while monitoring them, making sure that they are doing well, so that the quality of work is well consistent throughout the process. - Time Management-
The most difficult and cliche thing to learn is time management.
I would recommend going through some books if you seriously suffer from procrastination.
I would recommend, “Do it today.” By Darius Foroux, it was pretty helpful to me, and I can see the changes after reading that book.
I love using Google Calender and planning my day the night before.
Pomodoro Timer — Pomodoro (In google play store)
Other than that, there are some more small skills which we can develop over time, like — Flexibility, teamwork, listening skills, ability to resolve conflict, keeping track of things (by book The Compound Effect), leadership and more.
Don’t worry it may take time, but it’s all about your personal growth and nothing more, with good manners and skills we not okay make our life easier, but also the people around us experience good time around us, and we get certain authority for these amazing qualities.
Take care, sign up if you want to see me in your email, and all the best.